10TH Dec 2021
Clearing work of the Crown restarts in Darkali area but protestors block again the machines
Around 50 residents gathered at 6 am to protest against the clearing of the Crown at Darkali.
Auroville Town development Council was on site with the Road Service who brought JCBs and workers. The work started peacefully.
However, once the fence was opened and the first few blockages were cleared, the residents walked inside the Darkali area while the JCB continued its work.
A senior resident started to obstruct the work by removing the markers and ribbons that were in place to show the extent of the Right-of-Way to be cleared; he proceeded to aggress one of the AV Foundation official spokespersons who was witnessing the work progress.

Image showing an Aurovilian removing tape marking for JCB clearing the road
Subsequently, about 5-6 residents blocked the JCB (which had proceeded about 50 meters) after deflating the JCB tyre and sitting in front of it, refusing to move despite the presence of the Auroville Town Development Council, and in spite of the agreement made on 09-12-2021 evening with the Darkali residents.

Image showing Aurovilians sitting in front of the JCB path after deflating the tyre

Auroville Foundation is in receipt of a stay order from the National Green Tribunal
Auroville Foundation is in receipt of a stay order from the National Green Tribunal pending hearing dated 17-12-2021. Following this, all tree cutting work undertaken for the Crown way clearing has been halted temporarily while other cleared areas of the Crown are being prepared for the laying of infrastructure cables and pipe.