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Aurovillage 3

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

It's really interesting how most people in Auroville seem to define "human unity" as "unity with those that agree with me". For decades, the people who want to live in Mother's City have accepted that their wish was blocked, time after time after time. They understood that it needed to be like that, because, well, that's yoga: accepting that outer circumstances are beyond our control, and that we simply do whatever work we are given as a means for inner growth. For decades, the people who blocked and got it their way 100% of the time were allowed to play their games, thereby giving these same people the impression that all was so utterly peaceful and nice and "together"and "united" in the immensely divided Aurovillage. Now that, very predictably and logically (given our actions in the past), the outer circumstances, outside of our control, suddenly put a blockage in front of the people who have made a life out of blocking stuff, what is the reaction? All hell is released upon the people who wish to live in Mother's City. Suddenly they are Asuras, worshippers of the Darkness, the devil personified, evil beings and everything nasty this universe has ever produced... A tiny little interest in how cults function and cult members behave would teach us so much... "The first casualty of war is the truth". Yes. And since this war was started decades ago, the truth was killed here at that time already. The very LAST casualty of this war will be the cult delusion narrative, that tiny bubble that is the life force of so many here, created during the killing of the truth. Many will keep feeding it until their last breath, in spite of all the facts and realities. I always could and still can hug everyone here in Auroville if they want to. Totally regardless of whatever insane beliefs they hold. Because under all that superficial insanity is a human being, with whom I am united.

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